(PDF) Bioethanol: Moving in the Marketplace - National … National Bioethanol Program Today, fuel ethanol in the United States is made from corn starch, a biopolymer of glucose that is - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Bioethanol: Moving in the Marketplace - National … National Bioethanol Program Today, fuel ethanol in the United States is made from corn starch, a biopolymer of glucose that is - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

■ The National Bioethanol Program

Today, fuel ethanol in the United States is made from

corn starch, a biopolymer of glucose that is readily

broken down to sugars. The goal of the National

Bioethanol Program is to develop technology which

can utilize non-food sources of sugars for ethanol

production. We call ethanol made from these non-

conventional forms of biomass “bioethanol.”

Biomass Feedstock Development

DOE researchers are developing new sources of bio-

mass for bioethanol production. These include the

residues left over after harvesting of existing food

crops and, further down the road, new energy crops

like switchgrass. Today, farmers leave millions of

tons of residue on the ground after harvesting corn.

The responsible collection and use of this residue—

known as corn stover—offers a huge opportunity for

expanding the supply of ethanol from its current

level of 1.5 billion gallons per year to more than 10

billion gallons per year. As demand expands beyond

this level, newly developed energy crops will come

into play.

Bioethanol Conversion Technology

Two key steps are at the heart of the DOE

Bioethanol Program’s research and development

activities for bioethanol conversion technology:

1. Hydrolysis. This is a chemical reaction that

releases sugars, which are normally linked together

in complex chains. In early biomass conversion

processes, acids were used to accomplish this.

Recent research has focused on enzyme catalysts

called “cellulases” that can attack these chains more

efficiently, leading to very high yields of fermentable


BioethanolBioethanolMoving into the MarketplaceMoving into the Marketplace

T echnology for producing transportation fuel from biomass is moving out of the

laboratory and into the marketplace. In the past decade, advances in biotechnology

have allowed us to reduce the projected cost of bioethanol by nearly 25%. In the

1990s, the U.S. Department of Energy National Bioethanol Program:

■ Developed new, more versatile, micro-

organisms capable of squeezing more

ethanol from biomass■ Gained a greater understanding of how

the individual technology components

work together in an integrated process■ Supported the private sector’s initiatives

to commercialize bioethanol technology.

As we enter the 21st century, we are

seeing federal investment in research begin-

ning to pay dividends in the marketplace.

Meanwhile, the DOE Bioethanol Program is

building on these successes. Our research program targets process improvements that will

ultimately allow bioethanol to compete head to head with gasoline as a fuel supply for the U.S.

transportation sector. Our strategy is simple. We will ride the growing wave of biotechnology

advances to build efficient bioprocesses for ethanol production.

To develop cost-effective, environmentally friendly

technologies for production of alternative transporta-

tion fuels and fuel additives from plant biomass

The Biofuels Program is managed by the Office of

Fuels Development (OFD) at the U.S. Department of

Energy (DOE). Biofuels research and development

includes work on a range of renewable liquid fuels,

and covers the whole spectrum of technology devel-

opment from basic science to commercial deployment.

DOE’s Bioethanol Program is by far the largest of sev-

eral fuel development efforts managed by OFD under

the auspices of the Biofuels Program.

The Biofuels Program Mission:

What is biomass?

We define biomass simply

as any “nonfood” form

of plant matter. Because

plants recycle carbon

dioxide from the atmos-

phere, they represent a

renewable and sustainable

source of energy.

(PDF) Bioethanol: Moving in the Marketplace - National … National Bioethanol Program Today, fuel ethanol in the United States is made from corn starch, a biopolymer of glucose that is - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

2. Fermentation. Microorganisms that ferment sugars

to ethanol include yeasts and bacteria. Research has

focused on expanding the range and efficiency of

the organisms used to convert sugar to ethanol.

■ Breakthroughs in FermentationTechnology in the Past Decade Leadto Commercialization of BiomassConversion Technology

Common sense suggests that we need to convert

every bit of biomass into fuels and coproducts. For

ethanol production, this means using all the avail-

able sugars. For most of this century, researchers

assumed that many of the sugars contained in bio-

mass were unfermentable. This meant that as much

as 25% of the sugars in biomass were out of bounds

as far as ethanol production was concerned. In the

1970s and 80s, microbiologists discovered microbes

that could ferment these sugars, albeit slowly and

inefficiently. The race was now “on” to understand

how these organisms handled these sugars, and to

create new organisms capable of efficient conversion

of all the sugars found in biomass. With the advent

of new tools in the emerging field of biotechnology,

researchers at DOE labs and at universities across

the country, have succeeded in producing several

new strains of yeast and bacteria that exhibit varying

degrees of ability in fermenting the full spectrum of

available sugars to ethanol. The advances made in

Zymomonas recognized

by scientific peers

1995—R&D 100 Award

1995—Science magazine

publication, “Metabolic

Engineering of a Pentose

Metabolism Pathway in

Ethanologenic Zymo-

monas mobilis.”

1996—U.S. Patent #5,514,583

“Recombinant Zymomonas

for pentose fermentation”

1998—U.S. Patent #5,712,133

“Pentose fermentation by

recombinant Zymomonas”

1998—U.S. Patent #5,726,053

“Recombinant Zymomonas

for pentose fermentation”

1998—U.S. Patent #5,843,760

“Single Zymomonas mobilis

strain for xylose and arabi-

nose fermentation”

the 1990s are now the starting point for entrepre-

neurs interested in realizing a new bioethanol indus-

try. Existing ethanol producers are also looking to

these new organisms as a pathway for improving

their own bottom line as well.

■ A Decade of GeneratingEngineering “Know-How”

Along the continuum of technology development

from basic science research to commercialization,

process engineering data bridges the gap between

scientific inventions in the lab and commercial pro-

duction facilities. The Bioethanol Program, over the

past ten years, has increased the engineering knowl-

edge base by collecting rigorous material and energy

balance data on integrated bioethanol processes.

Today, we have greater confidence about projected

process performance and cost, and a far more realis-

tic understanding of the engineering issues remain-

ing to be solved. This kind of information is critical

to entrepreneurs and financiers looking at multimil-

lion-dollar investments in bioethanol technology.

Hydrolysis Fermentation

Bioethanol recycles carbon dioxide

The race to create new microbes capable of ferment-ing the full range of sugars found in biomass has fol-lowed several successful pathways. Dr. Lonnie Ingramat the University of Florida started with an E. coli bac-terium capable of metabolizing multiple sugars andadded the ability to make ethanol—a feat for whichhe received U.S. Patent #5,000,000 in 1990. His workwas sponsored by the Biofuels Program and others.

Taking an approach that complements Dr. Ingram’sE. coli, other DOE researchers started with the bac-

terium Zymonomonas, a naturally efficient ethanol-producing bacterium, and added the capability forutilizing multiple sugars (see “Zymomonas recognizedby scientific peers,” above left).

DOE also helped support Purdue’s Dr. Nancy Ho,who started with the "industrial workhorse" forethanol production—the yeast Saccharomyces—andadded the capability for utilizing multiple sugars.

All three organisms are now being tested by indus-trial partners for use in bioethanol production.

Biotechnology—‘more than one way to skin a cat’

At the Bioethanol Program’s one-ton-per-day Process Devel-

opment Unit, bioethanol developers can test proposed

processes under industrial conditions without having to

build their own pilot plants.

(PDF) Bioethanol: Moving in the Marketplace - National … National Bioethanol Program Today, fuel ethanol in the United States is made from corn starch, a biopolymer of glucose that is - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

Association are working with DOE researchers to

tailor new microbes that can ferment these specific

sugars. This is work that builds directly off the

Bioethanol Program’s successes of the past decade.

Customized organisms developed in this cooperative

project will be available to the member companies

of these two important industry trade groups.

Supporting industry pioneers for a new

bioethanol industry

Several companies are now pursuing niche opportu-

nities for introducing bioethanol technology in the

U.S. Each of these companies has identified one of

several variations of the process for converting bio-

mass into ethanol. Two of the processes involve the

use of sulfuric acid, in either concentrated or dilute

form, to hydrolyze the cellulose and hemicellulose,

while the third introduces the use of enzymes called

cellulases to hydrolyze the most challenging of the


■ Support for Today’s Industry andTomorrow’s Pioneers

The Department of Energy’s Bioethanol Program

supports a portfolio of activities that is balanced

across the spectrum of technology development. To

this end, we supplement our core R&D program

with activities focused on near-term deployment

opportunities. Our goal is to plant the seeds today

for the technology we are developing for tomorrow’s

renewable fuel industry.

Giving a boost to today’s fuel ethanol industry

Today’s ethanol producers are looking for ways to

push their yields as high as possible. They are turning

their attention to corn fiber—the shell of the kernel—

as a source of additional sugars for ethanol produc-

tion. But, corn fiber, like other forms of biomass,

contains sugars that are not fermentable by today’s

industrial fermentation organisms. The National

Corn Growers Association and the Corn Refiners

Concentrated Acid Technology

Arkenol. Arkenol is currently working with DOE to establish a commercial facility that will

convert rice straw to ethanol, taking advantage of opportunities for obtaining rice straw in

the face of new regulations that would restrict the current practice of open field burning of

rice straw in California. DOE researchers are working with Arkenol to tailor DOE’s recombi-

nant Zymomonas organism for their process conditions and feedstock.

Masada Resource Group. Masada is a waste management company that views bioethanol as one of sev-

eral tools in its aresenal for managing waste and recycling operations. They are planning on constructing

a bioethanol plant in New York State, where solid waste disposal costs are very high. The plant will con-

vert the biomass portion of municipal solid waste into fuel grade ethanol. DOE researchers have worked

with Masada to collect engineering data on one of the key process steps—the separation and recycling of

sulfuric acid from the sugar stream prior to fermentation.

Dilute Acid Technology

BC International. BCI is building a facility that will initially produce 20 million gallons per year of

ethanol from bagasse—the residue left over after sugarcane production. BCI will utilize an existing

ethanol plant located in Jennings, Louisiana. At the heart of BCI’s process is the recombinant E. coli

originally patented in 1990. DOE researchers have worked with BCI to collect critical process engi-

neering data.

Enzyme Technology

Iogen. Iogen is a Canadian enzyme producer who recently entered into a joint venture with PetroCanada to

demonstrate the use of cellulase enzymes in the production of bioethanol. The Bioethanol Program is support-

ing research at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Toronto to evaluate the use of a yeast strain

and DOE’s recombinant Zymomonas in their process. Iogen is targeting agricultural residues such as wheat

straw and corn stover for their initial commercial demonstration.

� Artist’s rendering of proposed rice straw-to-ethanol facility.

� Groundbreaking ceremony for BCI’s bagasse-to-ethanol plant in Jennings, Louisiana.

Municipal solid waste—an untapped resource for bioethanol. �

Fungal production of cellulase. �

Current U.S. ethanol pro-

ducers use only the starch

in the corn kernels. The

fiber left from that pro-

cessing, however, plus the

cobs, husks, and stalks all

contain sugars that can

also be made into ethanol.

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■ Bioprocessing—a strategy ofadding, improving and combiningbiological process steps

A strategy that reflects past and future


Today we talk about our strategy for future technol-

ogy improvements in terms of “bioprocessing,” but,

in fact, this is not a new approach. Bioprocessing

captures the approach that we have taken over the

past few decades, as suggested by the illustration

above. Dilute acid hydrolysis reached the limits of its

capabilities after several decades of research that led

to the construction of a plant during World War II

and further refinements in the 1950s. At that time,

the biological steps were limited to the conversion

of glucose to ethanol by conventional industrial

yeast. Early in the 1970s, research began on the use

of cellulase enzymes to hydrolyze cellulose—an

approach that offered higher yields and elimination

of unwanted side reactions. The 1980s saw dramatic

improvements in enzyme performance, and the first

efforts to consolidate biological hydrolysis and glu-

cose fermentation. Today, we have taken biopro-

cessing of ethanol from biomass one step further by

genetically engineering microbes capable of ferment-

ing hemicellulosic sugars as well as cellulosic sugars.

What will bioprocessing mean for tomorrow’s tech-

nology? The exact form is not clear. We are attacking

the technology on several fronts—by applying new

biotech tools to improve cellulase enzymes and con-

tinuing to enhance the fermenting organisms.

The Marketplace

So, what does all this technology improvement mean

for the marketplace? Before the introduction of

microbes capable of handling multiple sugars,

ethanol from biomass was projected to cost about

$1.58 per gallon for the enzyme process. Today, that

cost is projected at around $1.16 per gallon. This

cost assumes access to moderately priced feedstocks

(at around $25 per dry ton), and reflects a combina-

tion of the best results reported by various research

groups in industry and in the private sector. The fuel

ethanol market currently supports a price of any-

where from $1.00 to $1.40 per gallon. Though the

high capital investment and higher risk of deploying

new technology are still hurdles to be overcome, it

is clear that the new bioethanol technology is poised

for commercial introduction.

Today’s fuel ethanol market represents 1.5 bil-

lion gallons per year in sales. This market is now

constrained—because of cost—to the use of ethanol

as a blending agent in gasoline, with only limited

sales of “E-85”—85% ethanol fuel. As technology

costs drop, bioethanol will add sales of anywhere

from 6 to 9 billion gallons year. With the blend mar-

ket saturated at this level of ethanol sales, we will

then set our sites on the bulk fuel market—compet-

ing head-to-head with gasoline at ethanol costs of

around $0.60 per gallon.

For more information contact:

Robert Wooley, Biofuels Technology Manager,

National Renewable Energy Laboratory


(303) 384-6825

Produced for the U.S. Department of Energy

(DOE) by the National Renewable Energy

Laboratory, a DOE national laboratory.DOE/GO-102000-1109 • August 2000

Photo Credits: Page 1: Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX02268; Warren Gretz,NREL/PIX05790; Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX03246. Page 2: Min Zhang,NREL/PIX06812; Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX00947. Page 3: Warren Gretz,NREL/PIX03479; Arkenol, Inc., NREL/PIX07008; Dynamic Graphics, 066009;Blane David Faul, NREL/PIX06544; Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX03287.
















Biological step

Non-biological step

Enzyme hydrolysisGlucose-to-ethanolHemicellulose sugars-to-ethanol

Enzyme productionEnzyme hydrolysisGlucose-to-ethanolHemicellulose sugars-to-ethanol






Enzyme hydrolysisGlucose-to-ethanol




Hemicellulose sugars to disposal


Hemicellulose sugars to disposal

Projected Cost of Ethanol

($1997 per gallon)







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(PDF) Bioethanol: Moving in the Marketplace - National … National Bioethanol Program Today, fuel ethanol in the United States is made from corn starch, a biopolymer of glucose that is - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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